Tomorrow is the big day! My dream of studying abroad is actually coming true. Ever since I heard about the idea of studying abroad I knew it was something I wanted to do. I can definitely say I have a bad case of wanderlust; I want to travel the world more than anything else. I have been to three other countries outside of the US and I plan to make that number grow and grow throughout my life. Tomorrow I leave for Buenos Aires, Argentina to live with a host family. I will be completely immersing myself into a new culture and I cannot wait. I will be studying Spanish at the University of Belgrano while also being forced to truly learn the language I have been studying whether I want to or not. I do not know how much English my host family knows, but I will soon find out. All of my classes will be in Spanish... and well, it may just be easier to say that everything around me will be in Spanish. Many people have asked me, “are you nervous?” or “are you excited?” so you may be wondering these questions also. For those who are wondering, my answer to both is yes. I am both excited and nervous, however I am definitely more excited than I am nervous. I will be honest, I don’t think it has even fully hit me that I am going to live in another country for four months but I most definitely am! Maybe it will hit me while I am on the plane or when I land in Argentina. I just cannot believe one of my biggest dreams is finally coming true. I am so blessed to have this opportunity and I am so thankful to those who helped make this happen, especially my parents. I still have a lot to do before I leave tomorrow but it cannot come soon enough! I have to say that I am definitely not looking forward to the thirteen hours I will spend in the air, but it will all be worth it. What helps me look past the long flight is that it will be about 75 degrees when I land. I cannot wait for this adventure of a lifetime to begin and I plan to share my adventure with all of you. Adiós América y Hola Argentina! 

2/25/2014 11:22:51 am

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2/25/2014 12:45:48 pm

Woot Woot!

2/25/2014 09:02:16 pm

See you soon Katie! The host family will love you and we will miss you. Looking forward to reading about your adventure here. Lots of love kiddo.<3

2/26/2014 10:16:25 am

You're gonna love it! Can't wait to read your posts here while you're gone. Xoxo


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    Just a college student following her dream to travel the world. 


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